What is the connection between diabetes and thirst?

Diabetes has become one of the biggest chronic ailments from which millions of people suffer across the globe. It has been observed that the chronic disease has affected people in all age-groups. However, with proper medication, healthy and nutritious diet and a balanced lifestyle, diabetes can be controlled.

Thirst – one of the most common symptoms of diabetes

Many people complain of excessive thirst inspite of drinking plenty of water. They always have a feeling of dry mouth. Excessive thirst is known as polydipsia in medical parlance and can happen due to many problems. There are many medications, which lead to dry mouth and hence you require to drink water frequently. Also, people who consume too much salt might also feel overly thirsty. You never know, these might be indications of diabetes or hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). It is recommended to get your blood sugar levels tested immediately if this is a persistent problem you are facing.

Why do diabetic patients feel so thirsty?

We all know that diabetes and thirst is closely related to one another. But most of us don’t know the reason for the same. Here we will discuss the connection between excessive thirst and diabetes.

Kidneys are very crucial organs in the body which play a pivotal role in regulating the blood sugar levels as they filter the blood and absorb the excess glucose that is present. When the levels of sugar build up become extremely high in the blood, the kidneys are not able to manage the situation. Hence they tend to produce more volume of urine than normal. This condition is known as polyuria. With excessive and frequent urination, the body automatically becomes dehydrated.

Medical experts opine that people who have been able to control their diabetes successfully feel less thirsty when compared to diabetics who haven’t been able to control the same. Uncontrolled diabetes causes frequent urination leading to excretion of water from the body, making one feel dehydrated. Diabetics tend to consume great volumes of water to maintain water balance in the body. Sometimes, overdrinking of water leads to other health issues.

Treating the problem of excessive thirst for diabetic patients

If excessive thirst is due to diabetes, it is important to work on the same for quick relief. Once diabetes is diagnosed, it is important to follow a diabetes management plan.

  • Proper medications for blood sugar management – Treatments for different kinds of diabetes are different. For people suffering from type 1 diabetes, insulin has to be taken many times a day. However for type 2 diabetes, you might need medication if you see that combination of exercise and restricted diet doesn’t work.


  • Make healthy lifestyle changes – Include healthy foods in your diet so that you get proper nutrition. Also start exercising daily even if it is for a short period of time. Talk to your dietician and make a healthy eating plan so that your body gets required nutrition and remain hydrated, making you feel less thirsty.


  • Relief from dry mouth – Refrain from caffeine, tobacco etc. Chew sugar-free gums and sip on water frequently.


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